Thursday, April 5, 2012

Increasing road accidents in Kerala

As per the recent study conducted by the Kerala Police, there were 698 deaths in connection with various accidents in different parts of Kerala, during January and February 2012. Hence more than 10 accidental deaths happened in a single day. The important thing is to be noted that, out of the 698 deaths, 309 were two wheeler riders and 241 were pedestrians.  
The above report should be analysed seriously by the concerned authorities and try to find out the exact cause of the accidents.
In my opinion, most of the accidents are being happened due to the consumption of liquor by the drivers. Now, due to the recent court order and the steps taken by the Police to check the drivers whether they consumed liquor while driving,  the number of accidents may be reduced at least in Ernakulam District, now. When compared to other districts, police authorities are taking more care for checking the vehicles in Ernakulam District. Hence if the authorities should take necessary steps to conduct state wide awareness campaigns and to take necessary steps to check the vehicles throughly and to punish the drivers who violates traffic rules, the road accidents can be reduced, to a certain extent, in future.    
The Government should also ensure the quality of the roads and the maintenance, in the state.

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